Δημοσιεύτηκε στις Σάββατο, 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2021 21:45
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Primary School Of Ancient Olympia(Greece)-Primary School of Marim(Portugal)


Our school, for the current school year 2020-2021, has received an invitation and participates in the Olympic Education program organized by the Marim Primary School of Portugal under the auspices of the National Olympic Academy of Portugal. As part of this program, the activities are varied, with the most important being the games called XII Jogos de Quelfes, which look like a small student Olympiad. 

Our school will take part in this event with some activities. The first activity is the "School of Olympic Values". Our school takes part by sending a video in which the children of the 5th grade participate and in their own words explain what friendship is for them. The students were assisted by the teachers Mrs. Zafiropoulou Gogo (Class teacher) and Mrs. Athena Tzourmeti (English Language).

The next participation is in the activity "Drawing Collection" where the children of the 3rd grade will make paintings based on the story "The Arraúl´s Odyssey" with the help of their teacher Mrs. Angeliki Athanasopoulou and will send a short video with a construction of Gods’residence. 

Finally, the students of 6thgrade will participate in the activity "Inspiring stories Collection" writing about the ability of sports to transmit fundamental world values. In their effort, their assistant is their teacher Mr. Giannis Verras-Tserdilos. 

Watch here the video about the first activity.