
Στατιστικά Ιστοσελίδας

Σήμερα 105
Τη βδομάδα 3889
Προηγούμενη βδομάδα 5612
Το μήνα 13971
Προηγούμενο μήνα 19012
Σύνολο 918005
Σύνολο Χρηστών12
Χρήστες 0
Επισκέπτες 12


The program Olympic education - Olympic week in schools included a set of actions that highlighted the educational and training value of Olympic Games. The actions concerned the acquisition of knowledge, athletic and social skills and values. They combined the ancient and modern history of Olympic Games with the aquisition of skills related to the integration of students in the school’s  social environment. The Olympic Week was for students from 6 to 12 years old and it was implemented from May 31 to June 4, 2021.

Our school participated in the program organized by ETHNOA, by taking part in three actions:

1. On Monday 05/31/2021 the students of the 5th grade participated in a discussion with the international basketball player Mr. Vassilopoulos Panagiotis.

2. On Wednesday 06/02/2021 the students of the 5th grade attended the presentation for Olympic Ideals and Olympic Values.

3. On Thursday 06/03/2021 the students of the 6th and 4th grade attended the presentation for the Modern Olympic Games.