
Στατιστικά Ιστοσελίδας

Σήμερα 2563
Τη βδομάδα 20406
Προηγούμενη βδομάδα 5612
Το μήνα 30488
Προηγούμενο μήνα 19012
Σύνολο 934522
Σύνολο Χρηστών17
Χρήστες 0
Επισκέπτες 17


The Primary school of Ancient Olympia  participated in the action "How Erasmus + Changed My School organized by the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education in Western Greece(PDEDE) in cooperation with PEKES. The 45-minute video summarizes the benefits our school unit has received for  teaching staff and students from participating in a European program.

https://youtu.be/mhxReH1jnNw    (Erasmusadays 2019)

https://youtu.be/9TbkglJcylc ( ErasmusdaysII 2019)
