
Στατιστικά Ιστοσελίδας

Σήμερα 620
Τη βδομάδα 4142
Προηγούμενη βδομάδα 2068
Το μήνα 8612
Προηγούμενο μήνα 19012
Σύνολο 912646
Σύνολο Χρηστών43
Χρήστες 0
Επισκέπτες 43


The link to our school and region

We would like to welcome you to the website of the Primary School of Olympia.

Through the school website:

a) visitors can

  •          learn all about the history of our school and our region
  •          be informed about the infrastructure of the school
  •          learn about the various activities that take place
  •          contact us

b) students can have access to school announcements, project calendar and selected learning material

c) teachers can upload activities and other learning material for their students

d) parents and guardians can come closer to the learning process.

Enjoy surfing our website...